If home is really where the heart is, then home must be a place we all can share.
For even with our disfferences, our hearts are much the same.
For where love is, we come together there.
Where there is laughter ringing, someone smiling, someone dreaming;
We can live together there; Love will be our home.
Whereever there are children singing, where a tender heart is beating;
We can live together there, 'cause love will be our home.

With love, our hearts can be a family, and hope can bring this family face to face.
And though we may be far apart, our hearts can beat as one.
When love brings us together in one place.
Where there is laughter ringing, someone smiliing, someone dreaming;
We can live together there; Love will be our home.
Where there are words of kindness spoken, where a vow is never broken;
We can live together there, 'cause love will be our home.
Love will be our home.

這是另一首讓我心裡感動不已的歌. "Home(家)" 並不等於"House(房子). 一個人也許有許多的錢可以買一間大房子, 但卻不一定有能力可以建立一個"家". 2005年的8月是我從高中以來第15次的搬房子, 有些東西也跟著我搬了15次. 我常常在問自己, 什麼時候我才不用再流浪? 可以不用再遷移? 我無法回答這樣的問題. 但在這首歌中我找到了答案. 只有有愛, 哪裡都可以是一個家!! 在Jackie和我相識一年半後, 我飛去紐約唸書, 第一次的分開, 期限兩年. 一年半後, 我們在紐約共同生活了半年再回到台灣, 以為我們不會再分離. 回台灣的第10個月, Jackie飛去四川就職, 第二次的分開, 期限未知. 有時候想起來, 我們也過的真坎坷, 交往的期間有一半是分離兩地的情況. "And though we may be far apart, our hearts can beat as one. When love brings us together in one place." 是愛, 也是信任. 即使我們還沒有自己的房子, 即使我們也還沒建立起自己的家, 但我真的謝謝愛我們的天父爸爸把愛的能力放在我們的身上, 使我們可以去愛彼此, 去愛家人, 去愛朋友. 因著這愛人的能力, 我們可以再去建立另一個有愛的家, 在未來的某一天.


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