目前分類:工作有的沒的 (5)

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CFO 財務長 Marco 正式要調回紐約了!

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Busy is not a new word in this modern society. But how busy can you be in the office? Recently, I experienced most ever busy period. Actually I guess it's not the hardest time I ever had, but for the long lasting busy months, we are exhausted, and felt when this situation can be ended. 

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jacsly 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

這一個月來, 大概是我從美國回來工作一年裡抱怨最多的一個月.

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曾經,我永遠掌握著自己的步伐,永遠清楚我下一步的方向。曾經,我是活在肯定與自負中,別人的眼光關我何事。曾經,我一直以為站在世界的頂端,我對人生感到滿足與豐富。然而,什麼時候開始?就像地球兀自轉動般的無聲無息,我不再是那個活在滿足中的快樂人。When I got something, I always think there’s something better out there. What’s going on with me? 是啊,我是怎麼了?

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