Tonight, I got another 6 books from It seems that I am really too crazy for book buying.

Usually I ate lunch at my table in the office, and I will browse books website for couple minutes almost everyday. I just can't endure not to buy if I saw some books attracting my eyes. Is it a kind of addiction? Or it is embedded in my gene since I was born?

Remember since I was in elementary school, I already addict to buy books. Science books, bibliography, historical stories, and etc. Dad and Mom didn't give us allowance for stuff, and I always need to fight a lot every time just for a book. In their mind, they thought school books come the first, and don't want me to spend too much time reading so called "extra-curriculum" books. But since I am always at the top of class, sometimes they just close one eye for this. After I was in senior high school, and escaped from my parents' territory, I bought more books. When in college, more and more. Even the reason that I looked for a part-time job of high school student private tutor is also for more allowance for book buying. In New York, Amazon and Barns and Noble are my providers. The joy of buying books is hard to describe. Just happy when I got the books.

But if ask me did I read all the books? Of course NOT. The frequency of buying books is faster than I can read them. But I still addict to buy new ones. I always said that my only properties are all my books. Even my house is small, I still spare most of space for those books. But now, I need to speed up my reading schedule to catch up. Some books are left on the shelf for quite a long time. As new ones keep coming, I can't just keep putting them on the shelf, and need to put them in my brain.

As a book stocker, I also need to be a book reader.

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